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Aversion Therapy

Comedy / Rock / Punk/Metal/Country/Singer-Songwriter/Disco/ThemeSo Reno, NV   US ... more




Aversion Therapy has a show on 06/02/2018 at 08:00 PM @ On The Plywood in Reno, NV #concert

Pending Approval
Profile picture for Good Underground Comedy Radio

Good Underground Comedy Radio

Love this. Keep up the goos work.

Pending Approval

Jess J

Whatโ€™s Good, I'm the CEO of GMSH Live. We're producing a event in Las Vegas May 20th at during the Billboard Music Awards Weekend. If you want to hit the stage, we have a system in place where you donโ€™t have to pay any performance fees. And you can make money as well. Call 401-699-2002 or visit GMSHLocal(dot)com for specifics. God bless.

About the Artist

As the first decade of the 21st century wound to a close, the Gods of Rock stirred in their fitful slumber. Long had they lain dormant since their epic creations of the 1960s and 1970s, and their decadent saccharine confec...

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