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Duration - 2:39
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Desangre es una banda de metal extremo originaria de México. Desangre fue fundada en 2006 por Athal (Carlos Alberto Rosas López - guitarra) como un proyecto de metal experimental. Más tarde en ese año J.M. Aldape (baterí...
Skarred Kage
Electronica / Las Vegas, NV
Skarred Kage
Electronica / Las Vegas, NV
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Hail Sagan Signs to David Ellefson’s EMP Label Group
Skarred Kage
Electronica / Las Vegas, NV
Skarred Kage
Electronica / Las Vegas, NV
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The Come Up: Rock
The Come Up: Rock
Hail Sagan Signs to David Ellefson’s EMP Label Group
Hail Sagan Signs to David Ellefson’s EMP Label Group
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Skarred Kage
Love what you're doing here! Fan me back and give my music a listen including my newest track "Compressing Apathy" and remix of Meat Katie's "I Was There" which both are available for free download! Thanks! \m/ Alex Skarred Kage