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Fame Labs

Hip Hop / Hardcore Rap / Hip Hop New York, NY   US ... more



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Diggin the flow you got a dope sound! If you need any free beats got hundreds up on youtube you'd kill. Download links in the descriptions. Lets stay in touch droppong new beats all the time

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Who's the Hottest Competition

What’s Up. I am the founder of a few Touring companies. This is my 3rd time reaching out you in regards to the nation-wide Tour with a 100+ shows this year during the 11th Annual GMSH Tour and The Who's the Hottest tour. The first Queens event will take place on Apr. 21st and we'll be back June 16. We can get you on stage with no fees and we're giving Five Thousand plus a national Tour. Call 832 220 5955 or GetMoneyStopHatin(dot)com to get the information.

Pending Approval

GMSH New York

What’s Good Family. The 10th Annual Get Money Stop Hatin Tour will be back in NYC on June 5th at The West End with Cory Gunz. We are selecting some Rappers from this date to be featured on future stops of the Tour. If you are looking to get on stage, Contact 818-723-0847 or check the site on my profile to get the info.

About the Artist

DARKIM BE ALLAHCHRIST  Darkim Be AllahChrist is an artist and producer from New York City. Darkim signed his first deal with Wu Tang Records in 1996. As expected with that background, Darkim’s music has that gritty underg...

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