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Jarrod Radnich

Away in a Manger: Advanced Piano Solo

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Jarrod Radnich
Instrumental • Joshua Tree, CA
Often compared with Franz Liszt, Mason & Hamlin Artist Jarrod Radnich has captured the top position on YouTube for piano performance, is ranked #1 for instrumental and classical artists globally by ReverbNation, been featured with PianoDisc on NBC’s Today Show and, with over a half-billion video viewers worldwide, has been heralded as “the force that is making classical piano technique cool again.” Compositions from his Virtuosic Piano Solo Series sheet music line are performed around the globe and carried by They also have been recorded by Radnich exclusively for PianoDisc player systems, and are on his latest CDs. From 2008-2014 he was featured in Disneyland’s Tomorrowland where visitors saw him perform his enticing piano arrangements “live” on a player piano in the Dream Home of the Future, in 2012 he was featured by NBC’s Today Show as he coached a Miss America contestant with thousands of miles between them using a PianoDisc player system. Radnich has composed for and coached many Miss America contestants since then, including Miss America 2013 1st Runner up, Ali Rogers, where her performance of "I Want You Back" brought a standing ovation. With favorite classical composers of Maurice Ravel, Hans Zimmer, and Sergei Rachmaninoff, Radnich's current works follow suit. His fresh compositions and orchestrations draw much acclaim and have been performed by him at venues such as Lincoln Center, the Annenberg Theatre, and the Music Center at Strathmore, have made him a best-selling author and have served as the launching pad for the Virtuosic Piano Solo Series. Labeled a child prodigy, at age 11 Radnich began professionally instructing piano and thereafter received full scholarships to Berklee School of Music at 14 and the University of Redlands at 16. During those teen years Radnich rose to be named the Musical Director of “Babes in Arms” (McCallum Theatre), starred in “Jarrod in Concert” (Annenberg Theatre), and composed and produced an original, fully-orchestrated film score for the silent film Metropolis. Following a lengthy and intense battle with a life-threatening illness, during which he prolifically composed and drew deeply on the music’s healing power, Radnich’s was spotlighted in presentations linking music and wellbeing at The Cleveland Clinic, The Voice Foundation, the Intel Visionary Conference, and various venues with the Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute and Dr. Barry Bittman. Radnich’s albums, "Ornaments" and "Virtuosic Christmas: Piano Solo Favorites Like Never Before", each showcase the rhythmic nuance, reharmonizations, and ornaments for which Radnich is best known. Radnich volunteers his time as the President and Artistic Director of the Hi-Desert Cultural Center in Joshua Tree, California, co-directs the Hi-Desert Arts Academy Program, and volunteers his time to create, compose for, and conduct the inter-generational Joshua Tree Philharmonic, which he founded in 2005. By creating new arrangements for orchestral and popular works, his arrangements allow each member of this orchestra, regardless of skill level, to participate in and contribute to the full-scale orchestral movements – all while reproducing and maintaining the musical sound and quality of the original. Radnich and his partner in Mastermind Studios created PianoTube Live, a YouTube channel that literally reaches through the Internet to play a PianoDisc-equipped piano at the viewer's location when they watch one of the channel's specially-created videos. The invention was deemed "dazzling" by the Music Trades magazine.


This is an instrumental arrangement. Sheet music is available at