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Hip Hop / Gangsta Rap / R&B Sacramento, CA   US ... more


Pending Approval

Chemical Warfare

The rhymes are dope and I'm digging your standout creativity. Props on the production, everything sounds clean and professional. Names Chemical Warfare, give a listen to my music and let me know what you think. NEW single Iceberg. Fresh. Mint available now on streaming platforms!

Pending Approval

Keyz West Coast

Hello. I work as an affiliate with a few promotional companies. This is our third time reaching out you about our nation wide Tour featuring a hundred plus events in 2019 with the GMSH Tour and The Who's the Hottest event series. The first two Cali dates taking place on May the nineteenth & 21 and we will be back July 14th and sixteenth. We can get you on stage with no performance fees and we are giving away 5k plus a national Tour with a Major Artist. Reach out to 832-220-5955 or GetMoneyStopHatin(dot)com to get the details.

About the Artist

Born august 25th 1980 First introduced to music by his fathers band in 1993. Started off playing the drums and keys. that led to the gift of sound.I made my first beat at the age of 14 and every since then i have been trai...

  • 11.6K

    Song Plays

  • 77

    Video Plays

  • 585

    Total Fans

  • 53


  • 40



Band Members

  • jcash - Vocals
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