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The Morning On Fire / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: West Haven, CT

Label: Independent

Management: John Flynn

Genre: Rock

Rock charts for West Haven, CT
  • 163
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  • 3,940
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  • 43
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After rapping up their newest E.P "For me, For You" The Morning On Fire is back on the circuit, excited to return to the stage as they move into their fourth year of touring and recording. Adored for their energetic and emotional performances, its hard to imagine that anyone is having more fun then them. Watching them dance across the stage, you can see the sincerity running through their veins, producing a high that isn’t replicable by any modern drug. They come across as some sort of mad-scientist/punk rock hybrids, delivering their music with force. Their energetic fusion of indie and post-rock is a treat to experience: it is like nothing you’ve heard before and everything you’ve been waiting to hear. From sweeping valleys, to monumental peaks... quiet whispers to the loudest calls, The Morning On Fire creates a unique sound-scape and invites you to break from the norm and come along for a while.