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The Upset Victory - Bunbury Music Festival 2017
Duration - 0:34
Views - 550
Likes - 6
Added a new video: ""This City" (Official Lyric Video)" https://www.reverbnation.com/q/7157c4 #video
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awesome stuff ROCK ON!
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The Splitz
Best wishes from The Splitz !!!
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Jun 02
Apr 15
Oct 14
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Stone Smyth
Hi, my name is Troy Isaac from STONE SMYTH. I'm building a playlist on Spotify. I'm a videography by trade and will be making a teaser video that everyone on the playlist can use to send to their fans. I can use your media content in the teaser video, so instead of being whipped to run your platlist everyday taking up hours of your time, just post the video and the text copy I'll provide free of charge. You can check out some of the YouTube teasers here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyaW_5FPOUqJezsWCGDm7ag and I'll build a playlist like this one on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/743iFEfj4ldJoZvDBbYsJo All you need to do is share the video to your social media which typically takes 5 minutes a day. I am building the playlist on an invite basis only, just the best make it on, together we can bring in the listeners and get our music out there! I've listened to your stuff and would like to get your music exposed and blow it up! reply to this message if your interested in getting thousands of eyes on your music!