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Singer Songwriter / R&B/Hip-Hop / Hip-Hop/Soul/R&B/Techno/Industrial Jasper, IN   US ... more



Pending Approval


Thanks for commenting, guys. I appreciate it a lot. I just wanted to go ahead and have it on record here that YES; I am selling a few of my songs; this is mainly for the 50% that goes to charity. I am in no way attempting to hoard the money for myself; if any artist that assisted in the creation of any of the tracks that I am selling here, I just need legitimate proof that you are who you say you are [i.e. a message to me on from the account of the author, being that most all my beats come from there] I am fully willing to give 50% of my 50% made from said track to the beatmaker. I also want people to understand that the music I'm selling here is specifically for charity; you can download most of these songs elsewhere for free. Thats no secret.

Pending Approval

A Million Love Songs

Thank you for liking ‘A Million Love Songs’, it means a lot to us & we like your great sounds too! Please keep in contact & join us on Facebook at - Thanks & all the best from the AMLS Team:)!

About the Artist

DJDj's the name, and writing music's the game. I fail to really conform to a specific style. I lean towards Hip-hop/DJ but I write in most all genres. I hope somebody out there can get a kick out of what I've created. I wr...

  • 394

    Song Plays

  • 399

    Total Fans

  • 287


  • 13



Band Members

  • DJDj - DJ
  • DJDj - Vocals
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