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Chuck Brunicardi

Folk / Acoustic / Singer/Songwriter Brooklyn, NY   US ... more




RT @kathleenlago: MT @chuckbrunicardi: Intersection of Music and Medicine: Great event!! 6pm UCLA, June 25

Pending Approval

lofthouse leo

I discovered you through Patricia. After listening to your tracks i knew you were going to be on my favourite list! Absolutely beautiful ,mind blowing music! So emotional and touches every bit of my heart! x lโ™‚fthโ™€use le0 xx ๐Ÿ’–

Pending Approval

John Revitte

Beautiful songs and song writing Chuck!

About the Artist

Dr. Francis Charles Brunicardi, stage name Chuck. Welcome! Thank you so much for amazing support of my music, cancer research & personalized medicine. A lifelong performing artist, honored to headline Cambridge Folk Festiv...

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