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Ytee Ymg

Hip Hop / Hip Hop / R&B Bronx, NY   US ... more



Pending Approval


Universal Records Rep. Looking for real talented artist like yourself. Therefore, if you are a great & intelligent listener, only then will you be able to find our real contact info, that's been placed inside one of our songs(For Privacy Purposes) Listed on our page. So pay attention to detail, and good luck

Pending Approval

Who's the Hottest

I know we been spreading the word about the Who's the Hottest competition a ton. The 1st New York event we just did turned out to be piped up. We'll be back June the 16th. You can get on stage with no fees & you can win 5k and a nation-wide Tour w/ a Major Headliner. Each Finale Concert will be recorded by a television camera crew to be released on a service such as Hulu, Roku, or Nextflix . Hit 832-220-5955 or WhostheHottestTour(dot)com to get the specifics.

About the Artist

YteeYmg, born 5th August 1986, he was raised in Ghana, Africa. While in school there, he played a major role when it came to entertainment. Always performing hip hop music and living a different lifestyle from that of a r...

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