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Rohan Clarke a gospel artist from jamaica .born in the district of lower buxton.Rohan migrated from jamaica in 2009 and is now living in atlanta georgia..his first album is entitled insprirational hyms.the second is entitl...
Doug E. Mack
Reggae / Miami, FL
Doug E. Mack
Reggae / Miami, FL
Yomek Radic
Christian/Gospel / Kingston,
Yomek Radic
Christian/Gospel / Kingston,
Paul's Songs of Belief
Spiritual / London,
Paul's Songs of Belief
Spiritual / London,
Higher Inspiration
Higher Inspiration
Sunday Soul
Sunday Soul
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
Doug E. Mack
Reggae / Miami, FL
Doug E. Mack
Reggae / Miami, FL
Yomek Radic
Christian/Gospel / Kingston,
Yomek Radic
Christian/Gospel / Kingston,
Paul's Songs of Belief
Spiritual / London,
Paul's Songs of Belief
Spiritual / London,
Higher Inspiration
Higher Inspiration
Sunday Soul
Sunday Soul
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
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TALENT SEARCH - (GOSPEL) TOUR - AUDITION HELD 2/7/15 IN ATLANTA,GA - CALL (818-280-9790) TO REGISTER www.facebook.com/christiancityrecords