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Added a new video: "Blaza - On The Regular (Official Video)" #video

Pending Approval

Keyz Midwest

Hey. I'll be in Florida on June the 29 and July 2 putting on the GMSH Tour and the Who's the Hottest Contest. This is the last time to join the contest in your area, but we will be back for the final show in the city in August. If you know some artists who would like to get on stage, they can call 832-220-5955 or WhostheHottestTour(dot)com for Info on how we can give them a set with a shot to win $5000 a National Tour w/ a Big Artist.

Pending Approval

Keyz East Coast

What’s Good. I work with some touring platforms. This is our 3rd time reaching out you about the nation wide Tour featuring a hundred plus stops in 2019 with the Get Money Stop Hatin Tour and The WTH tour. The 1st Orlando, Miami, and Tampa concerts are on May 4, 7th, and 8th and the next ones eight weeks later. We can get you on stage with no slot fees & we're giving 5,000 and a nationwide Tour w/ a Major Artist. Hit (832) 220 5955 or GetMoneyStopHatin(dot)com for details.

Pending Approval

Bonde Sem Freio

Happy 2017! Cheers!!! Success!!!

About the Artist

Blaza Gotta Get it President/owner Firestone Ent Growing up in Charleston, life was not always easy. Many of my personal experiences are expressed, creatively, through my music. When I was young, I was surrounded by artis...

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