Past Performances
Blesz-one has a show on 06/11/2017 at 12:00 PM @ The Orpheum in Tampa, FL #concert
Keyz East Coast
Hey. I work as an affiliate with a few Touring companies. This is my 3rd time reaching out you about our nation-wide Tour with a hundred plus events this year for the 11th Annual GMSH Tour and The WTH event series. The 1st Tampa, Miami, and Orlando stops taking place on May 4, 7th, and eighth and second stops exactly eight weeks later. You can perform with no slot fees & we're giving Five Thousand and a national Tour with a Major Headliner. Call (832) 220 5955 or WhostheHottestTour(dot)com for specifics.
What's good. Dope music. I'm a featured artist of the Get Money Stop Hatin Tour. We have 4 FL stops in Central Florida and South Beach on Mar 30 - April 6.. If you tryin to hit the stage, reach out to 818-723-0847 for specifics. We are searching for quality individuals to add to the Team. Performing at an event similiar to this one is how I became part of the Tour. God bless. Keep grinding.
Keyz Midwest
Hope everything been good with you. We will be coming back to Orlando & Tampa on June 29 & July 2 putting on the Get Money Stop Hatin Tour in conjunction with the Whos the Hottest platform. That is the last opportunity to participate in the competition in your city, but I will be back for the city finale in August. If you know anybody who want to rock, they can reach out to (832) 220 5955 or GetMoneyStopHatin(dot)com for Info on how we can give them a set for a chance to win 5k and 30-City Tour w/ a Big Headliner.