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Brett Perkins

Singer Songwriter / Americana/Alt Country/Pop Rock/Folk / Adult Contemporary København, DK   DK ... more




Looking forward to my June 8th show at Coffee Gallery Backstage, Altadena, CA with The Brothers Landau and Liva September!

Pending Approval

Kenny Sawyer Songs

Hello Brett checking out your songs today:) I'm really digging your style and sound! Best wishes, Kenny

Pending Approval

Deep SilverBlues

"Closer (2009 Red Light, Green Light" - Fantastic playing and greatissimo singing!!! :O)

Pending Approval

Nancy Woods

♫♪♫♪ MuSiK er uNiVeRsAl ♫♪♫♪ Nyder din ViDuNdErLiGe.... SaNgE! Jeg er Fan..... Hvis du kan lide, Fan mig ☮ ♥ ♫ ♫♪♫♪ MuSiC is uNiVeRsAl ♫♪♫♪ Enjoying your WoNdErFuL SoNgS ♫♪♫♪ I'm a Fan..... if you like, Fan me ☮♥♫

About the Artist

2019 started with a Grammy nomination for The Pawnshop Preachers album, following Michaut/Perkins duo airplay and tour dates in ten countries and extended solo touring on the heels of my earlier song placements on MTV's Ro...

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