"25 years young, Grew up in states such as
Oregon, Utah, (Las Vegas) NV, Kentucky.
Ever since A young kid I had this passion for music. As I grew older and went through life's trials that it brings, Ive been through a lot like most, and I never really knew how to channel that energy. That's where music came into perspective. Ever since then my passion grew stronger. I am here to make music true to my originality. God Gave us gifts and I am here to share mine with y'all. I do this solely to shed light and give back what's been given to me.
"Its the Pain its the Strife Man I know it is this Life, Lets Get that understood, so i strive for the best, nothin less, this feelin in my chest so good, i put that on my hood, feelin right in everyway, gotta make it everyday"