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Daniety Smith

Not Havin' It

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Daniety Smith
Country • Chester, VA
Music is a powerful story just waiting to be heard , taking the audience on a journey through each song. Daniety has emerged as one of the most talented writers and compelling singer in her generation. Daniety makes goals and achieves each one she has her heart set on. Daniety's vision for her music is to help and change people, she wants to make a difference in the world today. Daniety was born in Richmond Virginia December 30th 1991. Daniety predominantly works in the Country Pop Genre of Music. Daniety has completed many vocal lessons along with many vocal competitions.Her aspirations in life have been revolved around her talent in music since the age of two. With the support of her Father and Mother she has been able to move forward with her music career. Dainty's vision is to be the Voice for those who have no voice and who are afraid to speak out.