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Fatal Malady

8 Possession

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Fatal Malady
Metal • Phoenix, AZ
Our fans are what make us. As a band we try to keep that in mind with everything we do. The name “Fatal Malady” was in fact a terminology that was slowly defining us at a time of despair. We now utilize the negatives that can surround our everyday lives as humans attempting to coexist. We strive to mold this into a more positive outlook through our music and our art. Although it’s dark, edgy, and certainly controversial, we have a purpose to spread awareness. The definition of fatal is something that causes death or that leads to failure or disaster. fated; destined; inevitably important in its outcome; fateful; decisive...disastrously concerned with or determining fate. A malady is an illness, like a disease that keeps you home, sick in bed for days, or something that causes you to have trouble or to suffer, like jet lag — a malady that affects travelers. Malady, pronounced "MAL-uh-dee," comes from the Latin words male, meaning "bad or ill". There is a sickness that has afflicted the world we live in. A malady, a disease. Everywhere we look there is apathy over suffering, there are people in pain, those who genuinely need assistance to care for the most basic needs of human survival. World leaders, politicians, and governmental structure has failed to solve these problems for the masses, and yet they retain the best healthcare and the finest pensions. This inequity inevitably results in civil unrest which manifests itself in a multitude of ways. Somehow, when the voices cry out, the finger points to these very voices as the problem. We say through our art and through our music as best we can: WE HEAR YOU. May those who suffer be comforted knowing there are those who suffer with them. May those who carry the pain on the inside receive peace knowing that we endure the pain alongside them. May those who suffer loss and injustice become stronger and raise your voices, because we will never create a better future for ourselves, until we learn the lesson in pain from the one we left behind. FM