Wishing you all Happy New Month and God’s divine blessings
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Wishing you all Happy New Month and God’s divine blessings
I am a born again Christian from a Christian background and my passion for music stems from the age of 12 singing in the local Church Choir. When I eventually found my identity in Christ, my scope and interest began to wid...
Terri Bannister (TLisa)
Christian/Gospel / West Hempstead, NY
Terri Bannister (TLisa)
Christian/Gospel / West Hempstead, NY
Higher Inspiration
Higher Inspiration
Sunday Soul
Sunday Soul
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
Terri Bannister (TLisa)
Christian/Gospel / West Hempstead, NY
Terri Bannister (TLisa)
Christian/Gospel / West Hempstead, NY
Higher Inspiration
Higher Inspiration
Sunday Soul
Sunday Soul
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
ReverbNation GRAMMY Nominations 2016
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