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Jenna Longmire


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Jenna Longmire
Pop • Nashville, TN
Waves of deep blue grey roll in as her songs fill the room. Her voice is not smooth like silk or polished like cotton but deeply textured like a pair of well-traveled suede cowboy boots. Jenna has a way of taking you right into heartbreak and hope on each note of her soulful, sexy melodies. Rootsy with traces of Sarah McLachlan and Tracy Chapman, Jenna Longmire brings her own blend of melodic blues to this new collection of songs. Her melodies are easily remembered, but deceivingly complex. She composes on both piano and guitar and this is what adds to the diversity of her music. Born in  East Tennessee and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Jenna wandered to west to Tucson after college following a call she couldn’t resist. An artist’s path is not clearly marked with straight lines or smooth surfaces. The ups and downs of everyday life and years spent following her gypsy nature haunt her lyrics: Born to roam.  Her journey carried her so far from home. And the longing reassured her soul, assured her soul. Parts undone.  She turned to face a portal to the sun. Holding on to herself to find the One, find the One. “My emotions drive my lyrics,” says Jenna. “Sometimes I don’t know what the lyrics mean until later. John Lennon said don’t worry about what you are trying to say until later, just write what comes out.At this stage in her life Jenna would be very happy if one of her compositions were to find its way onto an established artist’s next release. Nothing would please her more than to share her compositions with a national audience.
