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Nothing Playing



Pending Approval

UNCUT CLIC What's good? I'm looking for some openers for this show with Baby Savage. It's 60$ a slot, but with that you get ten tix at ten a piece to make your money back plus. You can also use a table for merchandise if you wanted to push some. As a thanks to everybody for rocking with me i'm doing features for the artists on the show. Once all the artists are locked in i will make new flyers with everybody on it. All age show 21 to drink byob. 12 min sets.. If you need any more info holla at me and we can link up and roast or whatever. Let me know please. Thanks

About the Artist

Yo what's good yall! This is jmak from the qrue and its just me and my day ones just trynna get some shit poppin, were a rap group that is just a mix of everything so its interesting but yall will dig I promise! #QrüeShit

  • 1.1K

    Song Plays

  • 509

    Total Fans

  • 163


  • 148



Band Members

  • The Qrüe - Vocals
  • Ralph Martin - Vocals
  • TLo - Vocals
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