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Ju-Ju Twist

Rap / Hip Hop Seattle, WA   US ... more




Ju-Ju Twist has a show on 02/15/2014 at 08:00 PM @ Vera Project in Seattle, WA #concert

Pending Approval

A-Jay Johnson

Goldeneye is a dope track man. Iโ€™m looking for rappers to collaborate with and you have a style that will fit my beats. Check out to see what type of tracks I have available and message me your email for some free ones. Iโ€™m working with rappers on a mixtape that I am producing. Send me any final tracks for a spot on the mixtape (we are overloaded with entries so there is a good possibility of multiple tapes). This is a great opportunity for both me and artists to gain exposure. Beats bought through my website will have priority over free ones. I hope to work together and make some things happen. Peace.

Pending Approval

Daun-Te Dottery (Mero' Music Group LLC)

Dropping Off Some Saginaw, Michigan Love! God Bless "Daun-Te"

About the Artist

Fuck the bull shit im grindin..go listen to the music 4 more info!!! music basically jus comes from the heart u can call it what u want i jus spit what i feel. fuck all that bull shit im jus like you at the end of...

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