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Living Waters Classic Tracks

Prodigal Song (classic live)

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Living Waters Classic Tracks
Christian/Gospel • Nashua, NH
(*Our regular site is waters . Any songs on this site are NOT for distribution, sale or download.*) Welcome! This is a place for older, classic Living Waters tracks from the earliest, primitive days of the band. Frankly it's mostly for the group or our older friends to remember with gratitude those wonderful early days when we were so young and had such great adventures. The first songs on the play list are from our Covenant House Era during the early 80's, when we were raising consciousness & money regarding runaway kids & the sex industry. We put together a "Prodigal Daughter" performance which included these songs. Also this place is intended to complement and link to the Living Waters Blog ( ). As you read about our early days, the hope is that you can link to the songs we are talking about on here. Hope you enjoy this! (We are also including songs recorded onto the midi sheet music program, Noteworthy Composer. We haven't found regular recordings of some of our older songs and in some cases, there are songs that were never performed or written down. These will also be included here.)
