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We're just a musical group of reggaeton, four members Jonathan A. Guerrero ( J.Guerrero ) Italo Motta ( ITTALO ) Jenry Garcia ( JenryG. ) Ricardo Ruvalcava ( RaldoV. ) we all have different nationalities jonathan is from e...
KiD JR .
Hip Hop / Boston, MA
KiD JR .
Hip Hop / Boston, MA
Our Top Tracks of the Week
Our Top Tracks of the Week
Mardi Gras Hangover
Mardi Gras Hangover
Wildin' Out
Wildin' Out
KiD JR .
Hip Hop / Boston, MA
KiD JR .
Hip Hop / Boston, MA
Our Top Tracks of the Week
Our Top Tracks of the Week
Mardi Gras Hangover
Mardi Gras Hangover
Wildin' Out
Wildin' Out
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