Warner Brown
Vocalist/Guitars/Keys for Jettison Twin
I'm from England. When I was 11, I vacationed to America for 2-weeks visiting our uncle. Those 2-weeks became 20+ years. Adapting to a strange country wasn't easy. I was a miserable teen. But I was first exposed to G'N'R from a friend, & obviously Metallica. Nirvana exploded. Inspired, I told my dad abroad I wanted a Guitar/Amp for Christmas. So I picked out a little black used $100 Arbor. Took 2 guitar lessons. In 6 months I'd written 20 songs, experimenting with alternate tunings like Sonic Youth. Music helped me through alot. 23 years later it still does..I'm full circle to my roots & reinforced a sound I can humbly call my own. I experiment to create songs that I've never heard before. I would describe it as raw cerebral emotion, heavy, intense with an unhinged freedom to explore endless sonic possibilities. I have a film background too so there is a story/concept involved in the first 2 albums I have planned.
My Music
Jettison Twin I Don't Believe - preview