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Nate Valentine

Warehouse Blues

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Nate Valentine
Americana • Frisco, CO
Nate Valentine grew up listening to and playing the widest and most unusual variety of music. He always liked trying different instruments and performing for whoever might be listening. He started off performing as a drummer playing metal and hardcore, then played guitar for the pop punk band Ruptured Disc, then started writing his own music in the reggae genre as a solo act. He has always been a history buff, is a reenactor and has played historic music pieces since about 2005. Yet early 20th century music has always held a special place in his heart and that was the one constant through all these other genre switches. His grandfather founded and performed as the front man of a jazz big band, and he used to play trumpet and sing for Nate as a toddler. Fast forwarding to when he was 22, he started writing music that sort of automatically lends itself to an old time flavor so at first, the style was a little bit of accident. But the more he wrote and recorded, the more that the music took shape and found its own niche and unique combination of styles. He currently is the entire band, all of the instruments and vocal parts were recorded by him except for a few guest performances. It is still a very new project but has been quickly gaining a loyal following.