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Noah Claunch

Country / Singer/Songwriter / Country Bakersfield, CA   US ... more




Noah Claunch has a show on 12/30/2011 at 07:00 PM @ "Ethel's" Ol... in Bakersfield, CA #concert

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Beal Music (Lyricist)

Well good morning Noah! I took time to listen and I really enjoyed The Shovel. I love your sound! I hope you take a moment to return the favor. I am always looking for co-writers for music and vocals to my lyrics??

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Profile picture for drayster


Hey i miss going to see u play!! Your doing great ans sound awesome!!! love ur cuz DrayNanna

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Profile picture for Mary Mary Hot Pants

Mary Mary Hot Pants

Wow Noah! You are number one in Bakersfield. Look at you go! I have watched you accomplish so much. I just want you to know that you are AMAZING and I LOVE YOU!!!

About the Artist

Hailing from the kareoke joints and honkeytonks of Bakersfield, CA, Noah Claunch rose to the pinnacle of the Bakersfield country music scene in 2009 with his bring-down-the-house performance at The Bakersfield Country Musi...

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