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Waking up in Nashville [Eggs And Bacon]

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Pop • Los Angeles, CA
Short bio: Versatile artist Olya K is known for the Pop gem "Hollywood ". She traveled around the world to achieve success as a singer and a songwriter. From Bulgaria to Chicago, and from Nashville to Los Angeles...She's a global artist with a sense of humor that shines through her lyrics. Recently she recorded a new version of her song "Waking up in Nashville " -this time in the style of Rock and Roll. Bio: Olga Ivanova Karagyozova (Олга Иванова Карагьозова), known professionally with the stage name OLYA K, is an American and Bulgarian singer, songwriter and actress. Born in Bulgaria, 25 February 1969. In the US, she's mostly known for the songs "Hollywood" and "Waking up in Nashville" [Eggs & Bacon]. Born - Olga Ivanova Karagyozova 25th February 1969 Dupnica, Bulgaria Nationality- Bulgarian- American Occupations- Singer, Songwriter, Actress Years Active- 1994 till Present Genres- Pop, Rock, Folk Instruments- Vocals, Piano Label- BongoBoy Records Website- WWW.OLYAFANS.COM * Childhood and Career As a child, OLYA performs with her sister Nelly, and with the school choir. In her teenage years, she was a member of a Youth theater group in the City Youth center, directed by the famous Bulgarian director Kostadin Bandutov. Early Career She joins her first cover band when she is twenty years old, performs at clubs and festivals, and sings with cover bands. After singing for Pirin Fest and Unison RTM (1994 and 1995) , she records her solo album "Yellow Roses" in 1996, featuring her own songs and songs by the famous Bulgarian composers Mitko Shterev and Assen Dragnev. The album is produced and distributed by GMP- Gyuzelev Music Productions, owned by the famous Bulgarian guitarist Petar Gyuzelev. United States OLYA K arrives in the USA in January 2000 with her then-husband, Bulgarian guitar player Vasko Neychev. In 2003 she studies Music at Harold Washington College in downtown Chicago and at UIC. At the same time, she sings with the cover band "Fiction"- with members Tony Palumbo, Leo Stillo, Joe Cotillo, Jeffrey Laughlin, and Alexic. Nashville Years From 2006 to 2014, Olya is a part of the Nashville music scene, while she's also a downtown Nashville resident. She works at the Tennessean Newspaper's circulation department and at the Nashville Convention Center. Also in Nashville, Olya K appears twice on "Singer Songwriter Etc", a local TV show hosted by Mike Jennings in 2007 and in 2008. Also, she is a guest contestant at Karaoke Dokey- a CMT show broadcasted nationwide. In downtown Nashville, she gets the inspiration for writing "Waking up in Nashville" also known as the "Eggs and Bacon '' song. She records the first version acoustically with guitar player Chip Martin. California New opportunities bring OLYA K to Hollywood's rich music scene, which inspires her eclectic taste in all genres, from Rock and Country to Pop and Dance. Olya releases her dance-pop song Hollywood with music arranged by Raz Klinghoffer, which gaines pretty good radio exposure and press attention. Following that, she releases the music video for “Hollywood” shot by Republica Studio. With Nashville close to heart, she continues to visit and record a new Country-Rock version of Waking Up in Nashville. The singer collaborates with the Nashville producer Daniel "Chip" Martin on both versions of the song. All scenes in the video are recorded while visiting downtown Nashville in 2021. Currently, Olya K plays herself in the upcoming movie "F-Listers" - a comedy directed by Yeva-Genevieve Lavlinski. The film features her song “Hollywood” and is in the editing process, with a release anticipated in 2024. Discography 1994: "Kazi mi"- single, duet Olga and Nelly Karagyozovi, Music- Nikola Vaklinov, Compilation album “Obich Nazaem” (Unison RTM Bulgaria) "Кажи ми"- дует-Оля и Нели Карагьозови. Музика Никола Ваклинов, сборен албум "Обич Назаем" (Unison RTM България) 1994- “Bjah ti Viarna”” - single, music-Nikola Vaklinov- compilation album “Da se Pie, da se Liubi” (Unison RTM Bulgaria). "Бях ти вярна" сборен албум "Да се Пие, да се Люби" (Unison RTM България) 1994 -” Ti Si Mi Vsichko”- single, Music- Nikola Vaklinov, compilation album “Da se Pie, da se Liubi”1994 (Unison RTM Bulgaria) . "Ти си ми Всичко" музика Никола Ваклинов, сборен албум "Да се пие, да се люби" (Unison RTM България) 1994 “Sartse” single, Music-Nikola Vaklinov, Compilation album “Pirin Fest- Nakazi go Boze” Unison RTM Bulgaria. "Сърце"- музика Никола Ваклинов от сборен албум "Пирин Фест. Накажи го Боже" 1995 “Sartse”- video track, music- Nikola Vaklinov, VHS “Palni Chashi” from a concert at “Universiada”, (ARA Audio-video Bulgaria) "Сърце"- VHS "Пълни Чаши" видео запис от концерт в зала "Универсиада" (APA Aудио-видео България) 1996- Album titled “Zalti Rozi”, produced by GMP- Gyuzelev Music Productions- (Peter Gyuzelev)" . "Жълти рози" -Албум, издаден от GMP (Петър Гюзелев) 2010- Waking Up in Nashville [Eggs & Bacon] single 2019- “Hollywood”- single 2020- Waking up in Nashville [Eggs and Bacon] - single. New version
