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Spaz Moorehead (Mama Spaz) / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: Lima, OH

Label: unsigned

Management: Booking thru Moorehead Multimedia


Sounds Like: John Mellencamp, Bonnie Raitt, Gregg Allman, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Eagles

Genre: Rock

Rock charts for Lima, OH
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Spaz Moorehead is a singer/musician who has been performing around Ohio for over 20 years. Recordings on this site are of her former band, The SpazMasters, featuring Al Morris on guitar, Tim Short on keys and David Shawn Ruppert on bass and recording engineering.
Currently performing with The Will Freed Band, Them Kids & Mama Spaz, and various special event projects around Lima, Ohio, she plays acoustic guitar, drums, percussion, flute and anything else the band tells her to play on hundreds of songs you know and love. She moves from jazzy Steely Dan to blues and Americana, bluegrass to rock, as long as it's good music!

Find her on tour near you on facebook at, on the Them Kids and Will Freed Band pages on facebook. :)