GEN EYES WIDE: Dynamic Spoken Word Dedicated To African American Male Youth And Mothers.
Imagine this: your son is between the ages of fourteen thru seventeen and you no longer influence his decisions. He's in junior high or high school -- new friends -- new trends. Daddy is in jail, don't care, or can't help because his son is now a reflection of daddy himself. You've noticed negative growing pains in his behavior, and guess what? You keep reaching out your hand and he no longer sees it -- your voice is no longer loud enough. What do you do?
All over America, someone's mother is struggling to keep her son in school, in the library, in the book stores, and in the church house. Somewhere in America, there is a mother struggling to keep her son safe, she's struggling to keep her son off the streets, off the addiction of drugs and alcohol and off street corners.
Tomorrow a mother's son will die due to a violent street crime. Someone's son will runaway from home, someone's son will become a drug dealer, someone's son will rob a grocery store, a bank, a gas station, or even snatch a purse. Someone's son will rape an innocent woman or man.
Somebody's son will spend the rest of his life behind crowded jail cell walls or sit and wait on death row until they call his name. How can we help them -- now? Do we hold on -- give up and throw them away?
Tears of a weeping and discouraged mother because her son is out of control - is there a remedy for such pain? Join me on my quest to wake up our youth through my album dedicated to African American male youth: GEN EYES WIDE.
Feel free to encourage other parents on this board who are dealing with a journey I am all too familiar with from personal experience as a single mother. Or just say hello, pray for them. Mother's who are in mourning over their son's tragic death, or because her son has received a harsh prison sentence, left home or whatever the reason may be -- just leave an encouraging word.
Please spread the word about GEN EYES WIDE. Purchasing the album is more than buying a CD. We are a community of people with a common interest to help reach a deeply disturbed culture that goes beyond words!
Get this album in their hands. It's an investment of A'capella Spoken Word you won't regret. If you get it in their hands, you get important words into their minds.
Full stream audio:
~Felice Bois
Copyrights 2009
Modern Day Black Momma Records
Felice Bois / Blog
Gen Eyes Wide
GEN EYES WIDE, coined by acclaimed author and spoken word artist Felice Bois, is a term that encapsulates the life-changing power of urban spoken word. As a highly influential form of self-expression, it has the ability to motivate, inspire, and spark revelation within individuals. Through the gripping and dynamic performances of spoken word, individuals are able to delve deep into their thoughts and emotions, igniting a journey of self-reflection and introspection.
In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, GEN EYES WIDE serves as a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By encouraging individuals to explore their inner selves, it enables them to better understand their values, beliefs, and aspirations. This unique neology speaks to the potential of words in sparking self-discovery and fostering positive change in one's life.
As Felice Bois has exemplified through her own work, spoken word has the ability to transform lives and communities. Through the exchange of powerful and thought-provoking dialogue, it opens up a world of possibilities for personal and societal progress. GEN EYES WIDE is not just a term, but a movement that signifies the impact of spoken word on the human experience.
In conclusion, the practice of urban spoken word under the concept of GEN EYES WIDE is a transformative journey towards self-discovery, growth, and inspiration. In a society where individuals are constantly searching for meaning and purpose, this powerful form of expression offers a pathway towards personal development and fulfillment. Join the movement and embrace the motivational, inspirational, and revelatory power of GEN EYES WIDE.
Have no mercy when the time comes. Have no mercy when your child's rebelliousness proves to be his strong hold. Have no mercy when all hell brakes loose in your household. Have no mercy when the Sheriff bang bangs the doors down.
Have no mercy while watching your child leave the courtroom in handcuffs, chained at the feet and waist.Have no mercy when you visit him behind a glass window...can't touch him or hug him... tell him you love him and walk away.
He will remember the "I told you so" when he's alone in his cell. Pondering his thoughts ways to escape a place he should probably stay until he realizes society does not need to set free a menace. Why pay for an attorney to set a man free in the free world to go do the same thing he did before he got there?
Have no mercy for right now.
I wrote this because I was sitting up thinking one day reflecting on my life, angry at my child...the pain never goes away. Tired I guess.
Guess I was tired of having mercy. I'm learning to leave the rest with God, only HIS mercy really matters.
Felice Bois Copyrights 2009 Modern Day Black Momma Records Fan page:
Thirsting for Jesus: The Living Water - Heard The Screams
Spoken Word for the entire family: __________________________________________________________ Last year a Deacon at my church asked me to present a spoken word piece to read at our 25th church anniversary; the theme: “Thirsting for Jesus, The Living Water." I asked him, “What did you have in mind?” “I don’t know, he said; read John 4, research the scriptures, and write whatever is on your heart,” he said. Although, I was already working on several different projects, I was happy to accept the invitation. The program was slated for presentation on February 28th, 2010, so within days, I started researching scriptures in John 4 (the entire chapter) and began brain storming. As I read John 4:5-26 (The Woman At The Well With Jesus) I couldn’t help but wonder what led this woman to have been with five different men whom neither were her husband? My forethoughts were: was the Samaritan woman a prostitute? Or, was she just a promiscuous woman looking for love or just loose? Why do so many women stray from man to man, lover to lover? Whatever the Samaritan woman’s reasons were, I decided to bridge together a peek into her life and a brief poem/story that reveals the reasons why so many women are led into a life of sexual immorality which leads to promiscuity (multiple sexual partners). To be successful at this, I fast forwarded from biblical times to the new millennium, modern day times. I remembered the reasons that led my peers, family members and I into a life of sexual immorality. Like most people, I too grew up to be a reflection of my environment. 'Heard The Screams' slowly began to evolve; it took me two months, a few revisions to write a three minute poem, and two rehearsals to make the poem come alive. Two months and three minutes - just to help save a lost soul. Yeah, I know, I could have read Romans 10 to get that job done, but Jesus said to speak what we know and to testify what we have heard and seen, too. People (non-believers) have to hear before they will trust and see before they will believe; I am a living witness to the Gospel of Christ, so I can certainly testify. February 28th arrived and my nerves were surely kickin like none other before. According to the church secretary, 393 people were in church attendance. And, to my recollection, it was a full house; which meant, people were thirsting for Jesus the Living Water. As God prepared my spirit to deliver the message he had given. The Simeon Tribe actors were ready to present. Jesus was center stage; the actors (Simeon Tribe) positioned themselves accordingly. Finally, it was my turn - I walked on stage into the presence of God with all power and authority with the words he gave me. And, for three minutes, the story began to unfold - the spotlight was on the Simeon Tribe actors and myself; I could hear God saying: “Deliver the message,” we did just that. The show was over, the spotlight was off. Through the grapevine, I heard that some folks wanted more (the performance wasn’t long enough). Quite frankly, I think it was a blow to some people. Something was lingering in the air; consequently, God gives what he pleases. So, I changed into my regular attire, took off my wig, put on my hat, grabbed my handbag, my music stand, left the ladies room and walked into the sanctuary – it was complete silence as I walked down the aisle. Shortly after the performance I received more than several confirmations that ‘Heard The Screams’ was for someone sitting in that audience. Today, Deacon Gains (tribe leader) said his son was singing some of the lines from 'Heard The Screams' in the shower! Another confirmation. Gods will be done; I had fun on this journey. ~Felice Bois Copyrights, Modern Day Black Momma Records, 2010
Got to run...the evening is closing. I'll leave you with this: For every child you inspire to see a brighter future through words of wisdom, a smile that greets hopelessness, a hug that says 'I care', love that never fails, truthfulness 'cause you care then you helped save a life.
Support the Gen Eyes Wide album:
Peace out!
Felice Bois Modern Day Black Momma Records ™
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Last night I slept well. Today God opened my eyes; I chanted a short prayer to my Lord and Savior, had my coffee (late) and read the words of many voices over the internet. Posted a few blogs, responded to a few emails -- heck! I even listened to some love music… (not in love) reminiscence is good for the soul; and finally completed some administrative stuff.
But, there was something else that pondered my thoughts…today’s plans… plans I made yesterday which I don't care to mention, were not realized today. That's okay with me though; because regardless of how many post-it notes I pin on my computer monitor, or how many appointments I had scheduled, how long my 'To Dos' list is, how excited I am about my expected joys of tomorrow or even how my fears shadow me; over the years, I have learned that people do not control tomorrow.
Remember to keep your day to day plans in stride anyway. Find joy in the worst of things…even if it’s not comprehendible, there’s a reason for everything. Seize peace when you see it, whether it is at a glance of peaceful words, a smile in a stranger’s eyes or voice; your today is your living purpose (what ever that might be) preparing you for tomorrow.
~Felice Bois Modern Day Black Momma Records
GEN EYES WIDE: Dynamic Spoken Word Dedicated To African American Male Youth And Mothers.
Imagine this: your son is between the ages of fourteen thru seventeen and you no longer influence his decisions. He's in junior high or high school -- new friends -- new trends. Daddy is in jail, don't care, or can't help because his son is now a reflection of daddy himself. You've noticed negative growing pains in his behavior, and guess what? You keep reaching out your hand and he no longer sees it -- your voice is no longer loud enough. What do you do?
All over America, someone's mother is struggling to keep her son in school, in the library, in the book stores, and in the church house. Somewhere in America, there is a mother struggling to keep her son safe, she's struggling to keep her son off the streets, off the addiction of drugs and alcohol and off street corners.
Tomorrow a mother's son will die due to a violent street crime. Someone's son will runaway from home, someone's son will become a drug dealer, someone's son will rob a grocery store, a bank, a gas station, or even snatch a purse. Someone's son will rape an innocent woman or man.
Somebody's son will spend the rest of his life behind crowded jail cell walls or sit and wait on death row until they call his name. How can we help them -- now? Do we hold on -- give up and throw them away?
Tears of a weeping and discouraged mother because her son is out of control - is there a remedy for such pain? Join me on my quest to wake up our youth through my album dedicated to African American male youth: GEN EYES WIDE.
Feel free to encourage other parents on this board who are dealing with a journey I am all too familiar with from personal experience as a single mother. Or just say hello, pray for them. Mother's who are in mourning over their son's tragic death, or because her son has received a harsh prison sentence, left home or whatever the reason may be -- just leave an encouraging word.
Please spread the word about GEN EYES WIDE. Purchasing the album is more than buying a CD. We are a community of people with a common interest to help reach a deeply disturbed culture that goes beyond words!
Get this album in their hands. It's an investment of A'capella Spoken Word you won't regret. If you get it in their hands, you get important words into their minds.
Full stream audio:
~Felice Bois Copyrights 2009 Modern Day Black Momma Records
Have no mercy when the time comes. Have no mercy when your child's rebelliousness proves to be his strong hold. Have no mercy when all hell brakes loose in your household. Have no mercy when the Sheriff bang bangs the doors down.
Have no mercy while watching your child leave the courtroom in handcuffs, chained at the feet and waist.Have no mercy when you visit him behind a glass window...can't touch him or hug him... tell him you love him and walk away.
He will remember the "I told you so" when he's alone in his cell. Pondering his thoughts ways to escape a place he should probably stay until he realizes society does not need to set free a menace. Why pay for an attorney to set a man free in the free world to go do the same thing he did before he got there?
Have no mercy for right now.
I wrote this because I was sitting up thinking one day reflecting on my life, angry at my child...the pain never goes away. Tired I guess.
Guess I was tired of having mercy. I'm learning to leave the rest with God, only HIS mercy really matters.
Felice Bois Copyrights 2009 Modern Day Black Momma Records Fan page: YOUR VOICE LOUD:¬e_id=120122506138&id=73991403354#/group.php?gid=88338032960&ref=ts
"Believe in God and have a real relationship with him. Without God you are nothing, regardless of your achievements. Without him or somebody’s prayers and help along the way, you are nothing. Have realistic goals. If you want to be a doctor, plan early. If you want to sing, plan early. If you want to teach plan early. Explore your interest, plan and go for it. Expect to fail at something(s) and get back up. It’s okay to fail and not be great at everything. That says quite a bit about who you are and you grow as a person. Have passion for what you do on a daily basis — without it, I don’t believe you can give your all to your craft. As I said earlier, charisma and confidence is key. As long as you believe in yourself, people will listen and your dreams can become fruition."
Read more with Shola Adu-Obubote of Femme Lounge:
~ Felice Bois Modern Day Black Momma Records Fan Page:
Life gets tough sometimes, don’t ever give up.
If you got to sweat and pray to stay in it... hold on. Never give up.
Life IS your life, whatever you have made of it…look at it…it’s the words you’ve spoken, the words you’ve heard, steps you’ve made, and the choices you gonna make.
Environmental poverty... gun shots that kill our kids and the ones you hear in the air...don't let that scare's the MENTAL poverty of a murderer that only Heaven or Hell can cure.
Life is short. Have no mercy on your enemies…recognize your enemies…peacefully, make sure they know, you know... they are your enemy.
Embrace peace and happiness when you see it… can’t have it unless you reachin' for it.
~ Felice Bois Copyright, Modern Day Black Momma Records, 2009