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billy evans / Comments

Diaroots  (over 7 years ago)
Good rocking music like it and thanks for support Billy.
billy evans
billy evans  (over 7 years ago)
Thank you
Adam Nicholson
Adam Nicholson  (about 8 years ago)
Your "Mustang Sally" is totally where it's at!
billy evans
billy evans  (about 8 years ago)
Thank you
Dabier  (over 8 years ago)
Good Music... Great Style With it !!!
Suburban Cry
Suburban Cry  (over 8 years ago)
Loving "Pay My Dues!" Great blues.
billy evans
billy evans  (over 8 years ago)
Thank you and thank you for becoming a fan.
billy evans
billy evans  (over 7 years ago)
Thank you
The CheeseBergens
The CheeseBergens  (over 8 years ago)
Awesome old skool blues!
billy evans
billy evans  (over 8 years ago)
Thank you.
late night crisis
late night crisis  (over 8 years ago)
Pay My Dues- Killer blues song!
billy evans
billy evans  (over 8 years ago)
Thank you for you support.
Denyx  (over 8 years ago)
Awesome listening ..two tumbs up !!?
billy evans
billy evans  (over 8 years ago)
Thank you I appreciate your support.
Angel Wings
Angel Wings  (over 8 years ago)
Listening to your songs today Billy! Thank you so much for following our band! Have a great weekend:-) Blessings, _Angel Wings
Martinovich  (over 8 years ago)
Loving this scratchy old school sound you got going on. Nice work... -Best
billy evans
billy evans  (over 8 years ago)
Thank you.
C.T. Spencer
C.T. Spencer  (over 8 years ago)
Hey Billy .. excellent Blues ... Thanks for your support