
tessbell / Comments

Scorched Dog
Scorched Dog  (about 15 years ago)
Well it's finally up.... go to my profile...there you will find, listed as track two, a new song called 'Life', let me know what you think...!!! Still keeping in mind it is the third non instrumental song I have ever sung, let alone recorded my voice on....!! J.
tessbell  (almost 15 years ago)
LOVE IT your thriving
Scorched Dog
Scorched Dog  (about 15 years ago)
Corporate life? Where do you work?? J.
Scorched Dog
Scorched Dog  (about 15 years ago)
Hey, thanks for dropping by and checking me out...how's it all going....If you found a chance or two I would love it if you checked out my tracks...! What do you think...? Take Care Jonathan Scorched Dog
tessbell  (about 15 years ago)
Hi there. Yes I have checked out your music.. Love it. Not a musician so wont comment on the technicalities of it all. I know I just like the mix of sounds you produce. Yes I am in the corporate world . Now Now cant tell you where I work. but I work in the Great City of Sydney.. Let us know if you ever play up here... Take care and Keeping being creative from the heart Love...xxx