Gilberto, O Tempo Passa sounds really great. You got a wonderful mix with that one and hanks for sharing it with us...I am not much on languages but it sounds like a big winner. I know a few Spanish words like senor and senorita . Have a wonderful guys did great. And I am hearing that great SAXOPHONE right now. Roy Cost, USA
Hey Gilberto!! You sure have a great selection of excellence!!!! Your music definitely has a soothing and healing element to it!!! You have a great voice and lots of very brilliant compositions!! "Figuras do Amor" is a great number!! Love the melody on "Clamor". Great work!!!!
Thanks Glberto for looking in on me lately.. I loved your video and you threw a little early sixties UKE chords in there. I never was good on that great instrument. Please check out''''' I Like Rock And Roll''' and my last song, "Song Of The Day"..."Where The Mountains Touched The Sky".
You are appreciated. Roy Cost, Conway, Arkansas USA.
Gilberto C. Barreto / Comments