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Red Mastering Studio / Comments

Red Mastering Studio
Red Mastering Studio  (about 6 years ago)
Comparison of Audio Mastering versus Automatic/Instant Mastering Nowadays, you may see many online services offering instant and automatic mastering services beside audio mastering studios doing it the old-fashioned way. Red Mastering Studio ( offers professional mastering services using internet tools ONLY for uploading/downloading your work and communications. The work itself is not done instantly by a software, but by a human sound engineer using special studio equipment. We have prepared compared these two mastering jobs, so you can understand the differences and choose the best solution for your mastering inquiries. Instant/automatic mastering is only a small part of entire process (audio processing with focus on creating loud master). Instant/automatic mastering is done by a computer, automatic software plugin, and it doesn't involve human work (no art) It involves human perception, as music is not just rhythm, harmony, but mostly important - Emotions. Real Mastering Engineer working in the studio in listening room can add to the mastering song hers or his own perception of the sound, focus on emotions in the music, something which is not possible to measure in any scientific way. The computer/automatic software plugin doing Instant Mastering, cannot discern jazz music from reggae. As per simple example, human will do it in the few seconds, and will apply processing audio which relates to the specific genre. With reggae it will be focus on the bass, where with jazz song - focus on fidelity and clarity and smoothness. The machine will apply processing according to the 0s and 1s inside the file. This is crucial point when machine simply cannot compete with skilled engineer. In this service, entire process is done automatically by the computer. Your music is analyzed by algorithm and AI apply certain type of processing to the audio file. The focus of above service is to make the mix/audio file extremely loud. This is actually very incorrect to call that process AUDIO MASTERING (Audio Mastering is a more complicated chain of processes). There is no doubt about that type of service is very convenient (as done entirely via Internet and automatically - therefore your "Master" is done in next 10 min or so. Easy to order, very fast and very cheap. For audio engineering amateurs - it could be great thing to try their first time, but for anyone considering their work seriously - definitively not. If you spend weeks and months recording, and mixing your album, it's your baby, would you give it away to some automatic plugin or rather use experience, skills and knowledge of professional sound engineer?...' read te whole article here -