Ola Paralell, Happy new Year. Always sounds great here would love to share the stage one day. Have a wonderful 2k10 and may the gods of trance lead your way into many new musical adventures. Support a dutch fellow trancer to become featured artist at playlist 7, downloading my track "Poleshift 2k12" would fit the bill and i hope you will enjoy the track as much as i enjoy your music. BooM Namasté 2k10 - HaNzI
Não sei dizer kual destas musicas gostei mais .. axo k seriam todas um sucesso num dance-floor... Batidas e baixos muito bem entrelaçados, grandes pormenores, tudo muito bem conseguido, espero poder ouvi-las inteiras algures.. ;) Muito bom trabalho, cá fico á espera de novidades..
Fica Bem
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