Paradijm Shift (Ohio Junk Rock)
Other • Dayton, OH
Band Spelling:
Paradijm Shift
Correct Spelling:
Paradigm Shift
radical change: a radical change in somebody’s basic assumptions about or approach to something
Paradijm Shift 1st performed in 2008 as a 2 piece consisting of Lyle on rhythm guitar and vocals and Chris D on lead guitar and has evolved into what it has become today, Ohio Junk Rock!!!!
. For many years the project was unnamed.. Then in 2010 the name Paradijm Shift was adapted. Whether the band adapted the name or the name adapted the band is a controversy; however, with the definition of the word and the musical styling being what they are, any other name would be an injustice to the band.
Excited that the project was finally named, the 1st website (which is long since gone) was constructed.. Hours went into the site and when it was completed it was realized that the word Paradigm was spelled incorrectly. Instead of starting once again from scratch, it was decided that Paradijm Shift would be kept and the misspelling embraced such as bands like Def Leppard, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin to name a few. The misspelling has become comical with misspellings on flyers and programs etc…. The band embraces it and has fun when others misspell their name and often pokes fun of the misspelling themselves..
Throughout the years Paradijm Shift has had many talented musicians from all genres perform with them.. The current line up consists of the founding members; Lyle and Chris D, with the additions of Cat Shift on drums and Pockets on bass.. The term paradigm shift is the best terminology to explain their genre of music; however, self proclaimed “Ohio Junk Rock” is the genre they prefer. Junk Rock put simply is country, punk, rock, jazz, jam and any other genre there is… They play a lot of Junk, hence the reason they say they have created their own genre…
The fans; known as “Shiftheads” or “Pieces of Shift” , are from every walk of life and true lovers of music of all types. With the eclectic sound of Paradijm Shift there is something for everyone. One never knows what they will hear at a Paradijm Shift show. Whether it be original music from the band or a cover song Paradijm Shift is an experience that will never be forgotten and should be experienced by all. Be warned though, once a “Piece of Shift“, always a “Piece of Shift“.