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Savannah Bleu

Singer Songwriter / Folk Elgin, TX   US ... more



Pending Approval

Extreme Dream

i wanted to leave you a message, but R/N say i can't till you fan us back. i thought we were already connected, but they say otherwise. so stop back in and give us a fan back. Tony

Pending Approval

Extreme Dream

thank you for stopping by for some spins. your support, means a; lot to me take care. Tony

Pending Approval

Extreme Dream

supporting you and your music, this morning. smooth vocals/tone, music, melodies choice of covers, style/feel. listening to and enjoying the top five songs. my picks. Movin On and Georgia All the Time. Tony

About the Artist

From nursery rhymes to strong gospel hymns, a deep haunting ballad or a whimsical song of happiness all are sung from the heart. Savannah gained her love of music at an early age singing, as many young people do, in churc...

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