Some Call This Tragedy
Metal • Tampere, FI
Some Call This Tragedy is an emotion-filled, hard-as-a-rock metalcore 5-piece from Tampere, Finland. SCTT was founded in 2011 and after many line up changes the band found its final form in 2014, after Ville Ylimartimo left the band and Topias Jokipii took over the growls, screams and grunts, Kristian and Ville the clean vox and Niklas the backing vox.
The group is a hard-working, passionate and dedicated team of young and talented musicians with no intention of being slowed down by any obstacles.
The band has released three recordings. The latest one is Living Dead Diaries -single, which can be heard in various internet sources. The older recordings are called No Man Without a Ghost -EP and Desolate Life -single.
If metalcore floats your boat, Some Call This Tragedy is definitely a band worth checking out.