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Steve Osborne

Pop / Rap / Soul Atlanta, GA   US ... more



Added a new video: "WELCOME TO THE NIGHT LIFE #steveosborne #kevinupson #welcome #nightlife #party #dance #club #fun #vr" #video

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Milz Ai

Good work keep droppin' those bangers!

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Bring the heat bra!. Nice

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Y'all are some bad...mother......s. I hear NYC all in y'all flow. Y'all music is real happy. Uptempo. Reminds me of the music I used to dance too, when I used to party in the World, the Tunnel and Mars, back in the late 80's early 90's. Keep it cranking. Y'all are destined for greatness. Mark my words. Peace. ✌🏾

About the Artist

...From The Planet "MARS"...Not much to say...Still learning who I am...Also in search of key elements that will get me back home...I have come across two things that I have connected with during my stay here on "EARTH"......

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