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Gilberto C. Barreto / Comments

PRI 'SIZHEN  (over 1 year ago)
Keep doing ya thang
Robert Rose
Robert Rose  (almost 2 years ago)
Hola Gilberto mi hermano! Como stas? I have been playing some of your music since yesterday.I am not sure if these songs I am seeing on the page you sent my way are songs I don’t have but if so let me know por favor and I will download and play them Obrigado y Dio ti bintigo! Su hermano en Canada Rob G
Stuart Munro
Stuart Munro  (almost 2 years ago)
Excellent music
Robert Rose
Robert Rose  (almost 2 years ago)
Ciao Gilberto!Buon Dia en la nomo de Jesus Cristo! I have a radio station in Canada-Eclectic Gospel Radio-online audio only-if you care to send your gospel music my way- Mp3 or WeTransfer is the whatsapp link.Dio ti bitigo Rob G
Louisiana's BlackWater Studio
Louisiana's BlackWater Studio  (almost 2 years ago)
I could listen to this music all day. Kajun Jeaux Louisiana's BlackWater Studio
Rise Up!
Rise Up!  (almost 2 years ago)
Loving your great sounds👍🎧😊😘!
Louisiana's BlackWater Studio
Louisiana's BlackWater Studio  (almost 2 years ago)
My Favorite is a toss up between 'Aprendendo a te amar' and 'Em Lutas e provacoes'... Really enjoyed them all. Kajun Jeaux Louisiana's BlackWater Studio
Chus Pérez
Chus Pérez  (almost 2 years ago)
Good music - STOP WAR - Love Chus
Renee Sanderson
Renee Sanderson  (over 2 years ago)
Listening this afternoon and praying blessing over you! Thanks for sharing the great news!!
P.E.A  (over 2 years ago)
Uniquely interesting...